You are what you eat…You are what you ate. You say tomato, I say tomato. Either way we should care about what we put into our bodies. Digestion is not the only way of harmful or healthy things getting into our body. The types of cosmetics and toiletries products we choose to put on our skin get absorbed into our bodies as well.
I have been paying attention to the foods I put on my family’s plate for a while and I have recently started purchasing more natural cosmetics and toiletries too. My son has had bad eczema for a few years so I found a more natural body wash, shampoo and moisturizer for the children to use. Baby Boo Bamboo smells great! I even started buying the Live Clean Enviro Kidz Fruit Explosion 2 in 1 Shampoo for my daughter. We have three kinds of toothpaste in our home. Hakeem Herbal for the adults, Kiss My Face and Tom’s for the children. So why am I telling you this you may ask? It’s not to pat myself on the back. It’s because I’ve recently done my research, and I’m not so happy with what I’ve found.
I have come across two websites that I’ve begun to research. The first one is David Suzuki’s ‘Dirty Dozen’ cosmetic chemicals to avoid.
The second one is the EWG website. The Environmental Working Group website helps consumers make healthy and ethical choices in the products that they choose to buy for themselves and for the environment as a whole. There is a huge amount of products put into the database and you can look up your products. They are rated on a 1-10 scale and it has interesting tidbits about environmental safety as well. It is quite interesting and I suggest that you take peek.
Since I was on vacation and I had a bit of extra time on my hands I decided to start to research some of the products that I’ve been using in my home. This brought me to many conclusions. The first conclusion is if the ingredients of a product is not readily available on the bottle or on the website, chances are there something that the manufacturers are trying to hide. Two, If you need a magnifying glass (and have 20-20 vision) to read the ingredient list, the company is probably trying to hide something there too. The third conclusion is that not all products bought in a health food store or in the natural section of a store means that they are good for you. If you really want something that is of high standards you need to read ingredients, know what to look for and really understand the product.
As I was struggling with my glasses to read the ingredients on the Live Clean Enviro Kidz Fruit Explosion 2 in 1 Shampoo, my father-in-law said to me “What are you doing?” I replied “I’m looking for bad things that are in these bottles”. He replied, in his regular matter of fact way “You know the air you breathe is just as bad as a things in the bottle!” My response was similar to this “That might be true, but I can choose what I put in my hair and what I put on my body.” I hope that making good choices most of the time will help balance out the bad.
I assume that now you’re waiting for my product review of the ingredients I was looking at before. That really wasn’t the purpose of this blog, but I’ll let you know a couple of little details. The Hakeem Herbal toothpaste passed David Suzuki’s dirty dozen test. The Tom’s toothpaste is going to have to go and the Kiss My Face is good enough for now. The Live Clean Enviro Kids Fruit Explosion 2 in 1 Shampoo fails the test and is out of the line-up, while the Baby Boo Bamboo Body Wash has the go ahead and I will keep the Baby Boo Bamboo Moisturizer. Adam will be happy because he thinks the Baby Boo Bamboo products smell great! I’m going to be trying Some new products in the future but I will do my research before I do my purchasing.
Let us know if there any products that pass or fail your own personal tests that you might research at home.
Happy cleaning!
~ Plant Trainers
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