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In: Healthy Foods, Podcast2

In today’s episode we chat with founder and CEO of ENERGYbits, Catharine Arnston. Catherine was on a mission to help her sister heal from cancer when she learned about the power of spirulina and chlorella. These ENERGYbits give you energy, feed your hunger, reduce brain fog, are high in protein and iron and the list goes on. RECOVERYbits helps your body remove toxins from everyday life as well as lactic acid from exercising. We discuss the great benefits of both these products. Catharine gives us some tips on when and how to take them and even gives us some tips for kids!


In this episode we discuss:

  • Our quote of the day: “Here is to strong women: May we know them, may we be them, may we raise them!
  • Catharine Arnston’s journey to starting the ENERGYbits empire
  • Research in history to support algae
  • What are ENERGYbits?
  • Find out the benefits of spirulina – blue/green algae?
  • What are RECOVERYbits?
  • Find out the benefits of chlorella – a blue algae?
  • The safety of the ENERGYbits products
  • It’s a vegetable, not supplement!
  • Bits are for kids too – no more colds!
  • Different ways to enjoy the bits
  • WOW! There are so many professional athletes using this product!
  • Shoshana’s question “Hey, Plant Trainers well… Hey, Catherine, I’m a 35 year old woman, mother, school teacher and business owner. I eat a clean, healthy diet and exercise moderately (in comparison to my husband). I would like to start incorporating ENERGYbits and RECOVERYbits into my diet. When do you suggest I fit them in during the day?


Links to things we mentioned:energybits

ENERGYbits website

Vote For ENERGYbits here

25% off ENERGYbits Promo Code: PlantTrainers

Why ENERGYbits is the best & safest algae out there?

Why is it more expensive than other algae?

Find out why the quality of ENERGYbits are unmatched

Why ENERGYbits are the best source of protein

Nutritional analysis

Nutrition facts

Why algae is the perfect fuel for athletes  

Prevents anemia and iron deficiency

Prevents fatigue, lowers blood pressure & balances blood sugar 

Algae is among 2015’s key food trends

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