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In: Daily Musings6

For those of you that are not yet familiar with my it, here is my background story.

Today is my 40th birthday!
Today is also the day I was told by several doctors that I would not live to see.
On this day, I am not only alive and well, but I am thriving in all aspects of my life.
This blog post is not being written to bash doctors (although some do need to re-think their purpose and methodology – that’s for another time), instead I feel the desire to express gratitude.

A birthday to many is a special day, one that requires celebration and tons of joy.  For others a birthday defines us as “getting old” – another year gone by with not much to show for.  To me, a birthday signifies a simple number on a journey through life.  On the surface, by the year, we get older, but on the inside is what really matters.

My birthday signifies the day I was born – it’s that simple.  A day that deserves celebration for sure and is a special day that I can share with friends and family.  On this day, while my parents “can’t believe they have a son that’s 40”, I know what they really mean is that they “can’t believe that they have a son that has already accomplished so many extraordinary things with so many more to come”.

I am so grateful for so many things in my life I wouldn’t even know where to start.

I am healthy! I am alive and well.  Surprise, surprise, the doctors were wrong and I’m here to prove it!  My body has been super resilient during all the intense training it has gone through as I prepare for next week’s race – Ironman Texas.  I don’t think I have ever been in better physical condition than I am now.  I attribute that to great coaching by Brett, a plant-based lifestyle and my determination and desire to succeed.Family At Jays Game

I have an awesome family that loves me unconditionally and is always supportive in all my “crazy” endeavors.

I also have a great job, colleagues and friends.

I am grateful to be a sponsored athlete by Amrita Bars and an Ambassador for ENERGYBits, #VegRunChat, and FitFluential.

I am grateful for attracting such motivating and inspiring people into my life, such as Rich Roll & Julie Piatt (not only through The Plant Trainers Podcast, but by personally connecting with them on many occasions).

I’m grateful for my favorite restaurants, local farmers, grocery & health food stores for providing me with the best plant-based nutrition available.

I am super lucky to have been able to travel as much I have and still do as well as participate in all the incredible activities and experience it continues to bring.

Sometimes we take too much for granted.  I’m so lucky that I can walk, run, bike, swim and be physically active.

I’m I’m grateful for my training partners – those that I purposely trained with & those that trained with me without even knowing it.

I feel that my life is simply full of awesomeness and the most beautiful thing about it is that there is so much more to come 🙂

Barbados DiveMany people look forward to a birthday for the gifts they receive and I’ve been asked what I want for my birthday…I keep saying – I don’t want anything.

But now that I think about it, I do want something.

I want you to take a few minutes and express what you are grateful for in your life.  You don’t need to express it to me (although you certainly can in the comments below)…let those in your circle know what you are grateful for.  It’ll not only make you feel good, but it will make them smile.

Happy Birthday to me 🙂

Adam Chaim



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6 thoughts on “It’s My Birthday & Doctors Don’t Know Boo!”
  1. Avatar Peter

    Over the last few months I have been trying to look at the different side of life and find things that have true meaning and that I am lucky to have. I want a life of no regrets because nothing is ever guaranteed in life. Over the past few months I have been extremely lucky in becoming friends with you Adam, and have learned a ton about nutrition from you. I am very grateful for that. Thank you for the inspiration you have given me. Keep up the awesome job!

  2. What a wonderful and inspiring post Adam! I am grateful for having the chance to pursue my passion through my work. I am also grateful for the fact that my work leads me to connect with some incredible people who share my passion for promoting a healthy life. You are remarkable, and you will no doubt continue to inspire others with your story and your mission. I hope I have the chance to support you in some way. Wishing you the happiest of birthdays, and many, many more!

  3. Avatar Daniel Weinshtein

    Gratitude for you sir 🙂

  4. Avatar Eva Busgang

    Adam as they say in our culture “Biz 120” I am greatful to have been able to share the knowledge that you are well and going strong!

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