I started listening to podcasts over the holidays when our family took a long drive down to Florida. These podcasts are basically radio shows that can be downloaded directly from people’s websites or most commonly downloaded from iTunes. Most podcasts that are available can be downloaded for free.
One of the podcasts that I started listening to is the “Rich Roll” podcast. Rich has a great show that talks a lot about health, fitness and well-being hosted by Rich and sometimes his wife Julie Piatt. Rich is a very inspiring and motivating plant-based ultra-endurance athlete and family man. His podcasts are super informative, his voice is very captivating and soothing. He is the author of “Finding Ultra” (his memoir) and can be found as an audiobook which he actually reads himself or as a hard cover book.
On one of Rich’s shows I was introduced to Vinnie Tortorich.
I began listening to Vinnie “America’s Angriest Trainer” and his co-host Anna Vocino. Vinnie is a personal trainer to many celebrities in Los Angeles, an endurance athlete and author. Anna is an actor and a voice over specialist. Anna, the voice of reason on the show (most of the time) also has Celiac Disease and does a lot of great work promoting the gluten free lifestyle on her blog.
The chemistry and dynamic between the two of them is simply awesome. They are genuinely funny and have a plethora of information pertaining to health & fitness. The thing I like most about their podcast is that they are very down to earth and tell it like it is. I feel very connected to them for many reasons, one of which, that like myself, Vinnie pretty much has no filter. He tells it like it is and doesn’t beat around the bush. They are both very intelligent and have a mission to help people lose weight with a “No Sugar, No Grains” lifestyle.
Currently, the podcast hit it’s 100th episode…congrats guys! Throughout the episodes we’ve heard interviews with celebrities Howie Mandel, Andrea Anders and Serena Scott Thomas (Vinnie’s long time girlfriend), trainer Ben Greenfield, ultra endurance athlete Rich Roll, author Gary Taubes, writer Dean Lorey, blog specialist Jessica Gottlieb and doctor Dr. Patricia Gordon. Of course they’ve had many more guests, but I think you get the point…and for those I left off this list, I apologize.
The point is that they talk to a variety of people, many of which have celebrity status. I’d been in contact with Vinnie and Anna on twitter and although they are both extremely busy people, they did respond to me. Even though they don’t see themselves necessarily as celebrities, I consider them to have celebrity status as they are encompassed by the “Hollywood” scene. I find that many times, people in the “Hollywood” scene or professional athletes don’t have the time to respond or just don’t spend the time to respond to fans through social media. Social media, by the way, has really brought the world together and made it a much smaller and more accessible place! It has also become a very important educational tool for society!
Not only have we communicated online…yesterday I had the privilege and opportunity to talk to them on the phone. It was not simply a phone call, they had me on the show! We had what I think was a great conversation about Physical Education in schools and I have so much more to talk to them about. It was a fun experience that I hope to be able to do again sometime.
My episode will be available for download this upcoming Friday!
In the meantime, I’ll keep listening to the episodes and keep laughing and talking back to them in my car, during my runs and on my bike. To the people that give me funny looks while I listen…keep giving me those looks or start listening yourselves so you can understand why I’m laughing, smiling and talking to what appears to be myself!
You can download the “The Angriest Trainer” podcast atvinnietortorich.com or on iTunes – (warning – explicit content)
Follow Vinnie & Anna on twitter: @VinnieTortorich and @AnnaVocino
You can get great information on Celiac disease, being gluten free as well as recipes at:glutenfreeanna.blogspot.com
You can also download the “Rich Roll” podcast atrichroll.com or on iTunes
Follow Rich on twitter: @RichRoll
Adam Chaim
~ Plant Trainers
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