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PTP387 Food and Nutrition Economics Nital Jethalal
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In this episode of The Plant Trainers Podcast, we talk with Nital Jethalal all about food and nutrition economics, or plant-based econ as the cool kids are calling it these days. Have you ever wondered what the impact would be if everyone went 80, 90, or even 100% plant-based? What effect would that have on the environment, the economy, and even the healthcare systems? What about meat taxes? We take a deeper look at that in today’s show. Nital is a smart guy and you’ll be intrigued by this conversation for sure.

Nital Jethalal is a Toronto-based nutrition economics researcher. He was introduced to the benefits and wonders of whole-food, plant-based (WFPB) living as a teenager. After working in strategic policy at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, in 2008, he started to wonder what would happen if Canadians went largely plant-based.

Over ten years later, Nital founded Plant-Based Economics, is one of three researchers behind Plant-Based Data, and is increasingly active in food strategy in Toronto. He sits on the Board of Directors for both the Toronto Vegetarian Association (acting president) and the Toronto Veg Food Bank. He is currently focused on initiatives that help the city achieve climate change emission targets and initiatives that foster greater adoption of plant-based foods throughout the city.

Nital has a MSc in Economics from Queen’s University and an E-Cornell certificate in plant-based nutrition. He is also a certified reiki practitioner and ashtanga yoga teacher.


In this episode we discuss:

  • Community
  • Finding plant-based
  • What if everyone went plant-based?
  • Plant-based Economics
  • Health Economics
  • Nutrition Economics
  • Celebrating the rise of Veganism
  • Rise in plant-based and changes in animal industry
  • Meat tax
  • Actionable steps
  • Plant-based data
  • TVA


Links to things we mentioned:

Plant-Based Comfort Foods – eCookBook

Nital Jethalal – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter

Plant-Based Economics – Website, Instgram, Twitter

Plant-Based Data – Website, Twitter, Medium

Toronto Vegetarian Association

Animal Agriculture and The Origin of Pandemics with Dr. Tushar Mehta – PTP363

Undo It!: How Simple Lifestyle Changes Can Reverse Most Chronic Diseases with Dean Ornish – PTP295

Effects of Food with The Creator of The Glycemic Index, Dr. David Jenkins – PTP266

Why You Should Grow Your Own Food with James Marin – PTP354

Animal Justice

Beyond Animal – The Growth Of The Ethical, Cruelty-Free, Sustainable Economy

Cruelty-Free InvestingPlant Trainers Amazon Storefront

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Millie Pearson

Mary Lou Fusi

Spanish Armada

Mark Jeffrey Johnson

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