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PTP496 - Linda Tyler Inflammaging
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In this episode of The Plant Trainers Podcast, we talk with Linda Tyler all about how to avoid inflammaging. We’re diving deep into the fascinating concept of ‘Inflammaging’ and its connection to inflammation and discuss how phasing out less nutrient-dense ingredients can positively impact your well-being. We’ll delve into the science behind inflammation, discussing anti-inflammatory ‘superstars’ and the effects of inflammatory foods and endotoxins on our bodies. Plus, we’ll unpack an insightful meta-analyses shedding light on these topics. Don’t miss our discussion on favorite recipes from our guest’s book, offering delicious and nourishing options to support your health journey.

Linda Tyler is a plant-based cooking instructor, recipe developer, and writer. She teaches cooking classes for Portland and Mt. Hood Community Colleges in Oregon and offers one-on-one plant-based lifestyle coaching. Linda has published recipes in vegan magazines and websites, articles on animal welfare issues, and is a frequent guest on Chef AJ Live on YouTube. She is the author of The Plant-Based Anti-Inflammatory Cookbook. She is on the video review team for

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In this episode we discuss: 

  • Gratitude
  • Becoming plant based 
  • Oil 
  • Phasing out less nutrient dense ingredients 
  • Inflammation
  • Inflammaging 
  • What is inflammation 
  • Anti-inflammatory “superstars”
  • Anthocyanins 
  • Inflammatory foods and endotoxins 
  • Meta Analysis 
  • Favourite recipes from her book

Links to things we mentioned:

Sign up for our newsletter – get our Plant-Based Comfort Foods FREE

Linda Tyler – Website, Facebook, Instagram

How Not To Die with Michael Greger M.D. – PTP206

Whole Food Plant-Based with Dr T Colin Campbell – PTP286

Plant-Based Family Favorites with Brittany Jaroudi – PTP483

The Unprocessed Journey with Chef AJ and Glen Merzer – PTP439

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