Soccer Mom Wannabe asks:
Hey Plant Trainers, How can I get my kids to be more physically active?
Thanks for your question, Soccer Mom Wannabe.
There are many ways to get kids more active. One of the best ways to get them off the couch outside and playing is to go ahead and do something with them. Often they don’t know how to play outside or go run around in the park because it’s just not something that they’ve done since they were little. Gaming, social media and computers have really taken away the active lifestyle of playing outside on the streets or in parks like we used to when we were kids. So get out with them grab your bike, put on your running shoes or go to the park.
Another great way to get kids more active and involved in activities is to let them choose activities of interest. Often as parents, we can see our kids as a soccer player, martial artists or runner, but there are so many other activities they can try. Let them choose something they are interested in and go with that! No need to make a commitment for life, just try it out.
Don’t forget to talk to your kids about why it’s important for them to be physically active. It’s not about team sports or becoming an athlete, it’s important for overall health. Individual sports like running and biking allow time to think, and create in their head. So if they are more creative, sell them on this point. Team sports allow children an opportunity to be with or even make new friends. This can be good for those who would like to socialize more. You know your kids best, so use the angle that will appeal most to them.
Want to get your younger kids moving in the home? Check this out!
Here is what we have to say about family walks.
Is childhood obesity on your mind? Learn more here.
This is a content filled podcast on Strengthening Your Family Bond.
~ Plant Trainers