The best way to influence your kids with healthy habits is to have healthy habits yourself. If you eat chips, they will want chips. If you eat kale…chances are they will nibble on it like rabbits too. If you exercise, you are setting them up for life!
As most of you know, Adam spent the last 8 months or so training for Ironman Texas (#IMTX). Before that he was training for other triathlons and marathons. It isn’t unusual for our kids to wake up in the morning and say “Where is Dad? Is he out for a run?” or “Mom, are you going to swim today?” This is a normal part of our everyday life.
Naturally, when we asked our kids if they wanted to enter a triathlon they both said “yes”. Well, it was more like “YES!!! YAY!!!!! ALRIGHT! I WANT TO!!!!!!!! GOTTA TRAINNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!” Within two short weeks, our oldest (age 6) learned how to ride a his bike proficiently without his training wheels. The corners were tough, but even when he fell, he got right back up. Our daughter (age 4) learned that she loves running. She has awesome form and can run for meters!!!!! Everyday after school the kids would say “Ok, can we do our training now?” It became part of life, part of their schedule.
When race day finally arrived we were nervous. We didn’t know what would happen. Our little girl doesn’t like to get her hair wet. Would she go in the water for the swim? Would our son be able to take the corners on the bike, or would he fall and give up? Our daughter didn’t particularly like peddling her bike, she knows she is a runner. Would she not get on the bike? Guess what……?
They both rocked their races. They were both confident and really took it seriously. No one fell of the bike and they they were proud of their efforts and recognized how the training played a part in their achievements. They hear us talking about training and exercise at home and could relate this to their own lives. We could not have been prouder of them. It’s so nice to see how we are influencing our kids in positive ways. How will you influence your kids?
Let us know how you influence your kids to live a healthy lifestyle.
Shoshana Chaim
~ Plant Trainers
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