Tonight’s dinner was all about using what we had. I could have gone to the grocery store to buy the plant-based staples we were missing, but instead I decided not to let anything in the fridge go to waste. Somehow I miscalculated in the food shops so I was left with a bit of this and a bit of that. I have created the “Plant-Based Mish-Mash”.
I had half a cauliflower. I used a lemon zester to take off the bit of brown from the sides and I tossed them in some olive oil, garlic powder, salt and pepper. I let them roast and then tossed them with some wing sauce. I figured Game 4 is on tonight, so why not?!
We had some burgers in the freezer so we took out enough for the family. Matched that with some sauerkraut and sautéed garlic, mushroom and onion and we were laughing!!
I also had a massive lonesome leek sitting in the fridge from the farmer’s coop last week. I chopped that up, tossed it with some olive oil, salt, pepper and crushed chilies. I put it in the oven to roast and crisp up and then added some vegan cheese in the last 10 minutes. MMMMMMmmmmmm.
We needed something fresh on the plate. I had just come from the farmers so I garnished with some flat and black (dinosaur) kale. It is always so crunchy and delicious when its been cut just a few hours before!
Needless to say, my fridge was looking quite bare. But, I felt good about it. I was able to wipe down the shelves and put away some of the farmer’s treasures.
The most important part about this meal was not keeping these veggies from going bad and being tossed. It was the CONVERSATION we had with our kids at dinner about what we had done. We discussed the ideas of perishables, planning, respecting food and the needy. Hopefully this idea can help inspire your family.
Here are some other ways to help eliminate healthy food waste in your home:
- Make a meal plan for the week.
- Make a shopping list base on your plan.
- Check what’s in the fridge before planning the next weeks meals and try to utilize what you can.
- Use extra cabbage or other veggies to make a slaw or salad. If you make it, it will get eaten.
- Chop, chop, chop into salads.
- freeze what you can before it goes bad.
- Organize the fridge and drawers every few days to know what you have and push the older produce forwards so it is eaten first.
- Change your plan and make a “This and That” meal when you can tell the produce is adding up. Try making a stir fry or smoothies too.
What are your “Plant-Based Mish-Mash” meals like?
~ Plant Trainers
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