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PTP449 Pat Dianne Doyle
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In this episode of the Plant Trainers Podcast, we talk to Pat and Dianne Doyle about plant-based instant pot prep hacks and mason jar storage. Each of them has a unique cancer journey that led them closer and closer to a plant-based lifestyle. You will find it interesting how they were able to find systems that work for them to save time, make healthy eating easier, and spread those tools to the rest of the world. We learned a little bit about how mason jars can extend the shelf life of foods, both frozen and fresh. You’re going to want to listen to all of these tips and tricks. We hope you enjoy the show.

Pat and Dianne are enthusiastic advocates of living a Whole Foods Plant-Based (WFPB) lifestyle, who focus on raising awareness of the benefits and teaching new followers how to easily prepare delicious meals. They also believe in the importance of community support and organize events such as WFPB Informational Meetings, food-prep demos, pot luck dinners, jar swaps, and meet-ups. An engineering graduate of Texas, Dianne stepped away from her career to raise her five children. Now, Dianne has earned the certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition from the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies through eCornell. She is also an avid gardener and has turned her flower beds and most of her yard into fruit and vegetable gardens. Pat and Dianne are proud to be helping people on all channels under the name Plant-Based Dallas.

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In this episode we discuss: 

  • Finding plant-based
  • 2 Cancer Journeys
  • Fave meals 
  • The instant pot and the magnets 
  • Mason Jars


Links to things we mentioned:

ENERGYBits – use “planttrainers” at checkout for a discount!

Plant-Based Dallas – Website, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube

Eat For Life with Joel Fuhrman M.D. – PTP351

Whole Food Plant-Based with Dr T Colin Campbell – PTP286

Plant Trainers Amazon Storefront

Thank you to this month’s Patrons for supporting us on Patreon:

Millie Pearson

Mary Lou Fusi

Spanish Armada

Mark Jeffrey Johnson

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