Breakfast can be an easy thing to prepare – or hard…depending what you want to feed your body and your kids’ body. If you use the “big cereal brands” and instant oatmeal types, breakfast is a cinch. But if you are trying to eliminate processed foods and sugars, breakfast starts to get a bit more difficult. Clients are always asking: “What can I feed my kids for breakfast?” So let me share with you a little story that happened in my home –
Picture this: A beautiful sunny morning, about -20ºC outside (with the wind) and my children want to know what is for breakfast. Hmmm…good question. I have no idea. I slept in by mistake, had to meditate, write in my journal and now get the kids to school. I decided I am making them something quick and they will eat it.
Within a minute I had two plates ready, each with a cut up banana, a cut up pear, two mini buckwheat balls and a side plate of coconut, chia and cacao nibs for dipping. I threw (ok placed) it on the table and got blasted with two voices singing in choir. “THAT’S NOT BREAKFAST!!!” It isn’t? Well kiddos, it is now. My response was cool and collected. “Eat this and we’ll talk about breakfast later.” They began to eat, still muttering about these things being “snacks” or not wanting to eat it.
Well within about 9 minutes both kids had eaten their fill. The little one did not finish everything, but she was happy and the big one finished it all…The big news here is that he did not tell me he was still hungry when he was done, which has been a daily occurrence as of late. They both went off to school with no more talk about breakfast.
So the lesson here is…it may not be a traditional breakfast, but if it’s healthy and we feel good about it, we can find a way to make it happen. Here are a few of our go-to breakfasts for the kids in our house:
- Nature’s Path Crispy Rice Cereal with So Delicious plai
n coconut yogurt. Sometimes it’s topped off with hemp hearts or chia seeds.
- Strawberries and bananas dipped in coconut yogurt.
- Nature’s Path Corn Flakes with almond milk and maybe a sprinkle of chia seeds and/or cacao nibs.
- Saturday morning pancakes. I’ll freeze the leftovers and save them for another day.
- Fruit bowl or fruit plate with bananas, berries, melons. Sometimes I’ll shape it like a face!!
Next I’m going to try and get the kids to enjoy some steel cut oats. I definitely have my work cut out for me!
Please share with us your ideas for a healthy kids’ breakfast!!
~ Plant Trainers
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