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Upcycling and Confetti Snacks with Betty Lu – PTP495

PTP495 - Betty Lu upcycling

In this episode of The Plant Trainers Podcast, we talk with Betty Lu all about upcycling nutritious food into delicious and nutritious Confetti Snacks. We don’t know about you, but we were not aware of how much perfectly edible food is being wasted every year just because it is a little bit ugly and not pretty enough for grocery store shelves. We were even more shocked to hear about the greenhouse gasses being emitted because of it! Betty is so knowledgeable about social and sustainable entrepreneurship and we know you’ll love this show.  

Betty is the founder and CEO of venture backed Confetti Snacks based in Singapore and NYC. Confetti crafts award-winning tasty gourmet snacks made from nutrient dense vegetables in exotic flavors inspired by scrumptious world flavours that celebrate diversity and inclusion. The scrumptious plant-based snacks are colorful, vibrant and made from real sliced veggies and fruit. The snacks are tasty, an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, gently upcycled from imperfect produce or crop surplus to alleviate food waste. 

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In this episode we discuss: 


Links to things we mentioned:

Sign up for our newsletter – get our Plant-Based Comfort Foods FREE

Betty Lu – Confetti Snacks Website, Instagram, Facebook

Healthy Picnic Ideas with Adam and Shoshana Chaim – PTP473

5 Emergency Snack Kit Ideas – PTP312

Plant Trainers Amazon Storefront

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