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In: Daily Musings, Fitness0

You now have the opportunity to join this amazing world wide phenomenon – pushups.  It’s catching like wild-fire!  It’s completely free with no strings attached!

The goal of this amazing phenomenon is to increase the awareness and importance of health & fitness through an easy and fun methodology for people at any level of fitness.

Let’s get as many people on board as possible, I hope you will join this awesome opportunity!

During the summer, I piloted a program that I called “Trigger Pushups”.  The way it works is as follows:

Every time the “trigger” word is heard – participants do 10 pushups.  They are done immediately, on the spot, as soon as the “trigger” word is heard. Participants can set a daily limit if they wish (i.e. today’s maximum will be 50 pushups, that would be 5 sets of 10, meaning they’ve heard the word 5 times that day), but a limit does not need to be set. “Trigger Pushups” can be done Monday-Friday with the weekends off. Any style of pushups can be done, feel free to mix it up!

Check out this great resource with so many examples of pushups from Man Vs. Weight.

Start at whatever level you are comfortable with, remember this whole phenomenon is to encourage people to get healthier, more fit and have fun throughout their day.

Please trend #TriggerPushups and let everyone know about your experience!

Get everyone involved: your students, colleagues, peers, teams, family or even just do it yourself.

If you decide to do it yourself…others will want to join you.

Picture this: You are out for lunch with a few of your colleagues.  In conversation, someone mentions the word “car” (which happens to be the “trigger” word of the week).  As soon as you hear the word, you get up from your seat and drop for 10 pushups (even though your colleague is mid-sentence). You complete your set of 10 and your colleagues look at you like you’re nuts!  Of course you go on to explain why you did them and who knows, maybe next round they’ll join you!  You’d be surprised how fun and addictive “Trigger Pushups” can be!

Location, situation, timing – just doesn’t matter, that’s part of the fun! (But be safe…i.e. don’t do them in a moving vehicle)

Give it a try…you’ve got nothing to lose and so much to gain!

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